Transsexual to Speak
Bobby Bennet and Phyllis Frye will appear this Friday at 3:30 in Sewell Hall 301 to present their conflicting opinions about transsexuality.
Bennett is planning to undergo an operation at Hermann Hospital to change his sex from male to female sometime in the near future. Because of a hormone imbalance in which female hormones predominate in his body, Bennett finds that his mental state is more female than male. Because of this he has decided to seek surgery that would resolve this conflict.
Phyllis Frye prefers to be called transgenderous rather than transsexual. Frye points out that most of the things we consider to be characteristics of sexuality are really characteristics of gender. Such things as speech, gestures and clothing determine the sex of a person as it appear to most of the people that person comes into contact with. Frye plans no operation but wishes to assume a female gender identity.
This presentation has been arranged by Dr. Ken Leiter of the Sociology Department as part of a class on face-to-face interaction.
this is what diamond was refering too,and doesnt seem to disprove him in that it is a clear distinction between changing gender vs. correcting sex.
I think you misunderstood what I said. First of all, it seems that Ariadne Kane was the one who first used “transgenderist” to describe a stage between transsexual and transvestite.
What I said – and what is demonstrable fact – is that “transgender” has been used by transsexuals and to refer to transsexuals since 1970. Transgender was first used as an umbrella term in 1974.
The meme that Prince coined all things transgender is patently false.