Trans-Sex Surgery at Minnesota
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, (AP) – Trans-sexual surgery has been completed on the first patient in the University of Minnesota Medical School’s gender research program. Dr. Donald W. Hastings announced yesterday.
The surgery changed a middle-aged man into a legal female. Identity of the patient was not disclosed.
Dr. Hastings, professor and head of the department of psychiatry and neurology, said the physiological phase of the program has been completed with no medical problems.
The patient “now has entered into the long period of psychiatric treatment towards a full adjustment and we all hope eventually a contributing position in society,” Dr. Hastings said.
“Must Be Prudent”
In a prepared statement, the doctor added: “It must be clearly understood that in the future we must be very prudent in public discussion of our activities. We do not plan to announce future operations when they happen.
“Anonymity must be preserved for our patients. Anything else not only would be improper, but it would be harmful to the patients wish to only try to build a new and happier lives for themselves.”
The surgery, completed with in the last two weeks, is the first in a planned series. Surgeons said that several other persons had inquired about trans-sexual operations. Dr. Hastings said earlier that 20 such operations are expected to be performed in the next year or two in the interest of offering hope for people who desperately want to change their sex.
Hastings gave m details of the initial operation.