They think like women and like to think of themselves as women. They feel like women and react like women. They want to be women and ought to be women, but by the caprice of nature their bodies are those of men. Conversely, there are women who want to be men.
There are the “trans-sexualists.” They are not necessarily homosexual; often they have little sex in their lives, or none at all.
Case Study
In the book, Transvestism: Men In Female Dress, edited by David O. Cauldwell, there is a fascinating case study of a Los Angeles man of this nature.
He lived his entire life as a woman; only his mother knew his true sex. He dressed as a woman and worked as the female assistant manager of the dress department of a large store.
Because these people ache so badly to be of the other sex, they often view their own genital organs with loathing because they are a reminder of the true nature of their bodies. They want at all costs to be rid of the hated symbol.