Dr. Diamond is an early pioneer in trans research. Outside of the trans community, he is best known for exposing the “John/Joan” case in which Dr. Money (who allegedly physically attacked Dr. Diamond years before) faked his research to make the world believe that gender identity is a choice.
We talk about his research experience, the history of terminology, his “rivalry” with John Money and more. I found Diamond to be gracious and interesting… I’m glad to have had an opportunity to talk with one of the original modern gender researchers.

The “John/Joan” case:
Dr. Diamond is known for following up the case of David Reimer, a boy raised as a girl after a botched circumcision. With the cooperation of Dr. H. Keith Sigmundson, who had been Reimer’s supervising psychiatrist, he tracked down the adult Reimer and found that John Money’s sex reassignment of Reimer had failed. This case, which Dr. Diamond named that of “John/Joan” to protect Reimer’s privacy, has become one of the most cited cases in the literature of psychiatry, anthropology, women’s studies, child development, and biology of gender.
The major tragedy of the decision to raise David Reimer as a girl is that it was popularized as a success. This was unfortunately accepted by physicians as a model for how to deal with infants with intersex conditions. Dr. Diamond was the first to alert physicians that the model was faulty. He recommended that physicians (1) do no surgery on intersex infants without their informed consent; (2) assign such infants in the gender to which they will probably best adjust; (3) refrain from adding shame, stigma and secrecy to the issue, by assisting intersex people to meet and associate with others of like condition. Dr. Diamond encouraged considering the intersex condition as a difference of sex development, not as a disorder.
Citations Dr. Diamond requested during the interview
Early use of the term “transsexual:”
- 1907 Transsexual = Cross-Gender
- 1908: Trans-sexual = Cross-sexual
- 1915: Trans-sexed = Trans-gendered
- 1947: “Trans-sexual” Usage by C. S. Lewis
Early use of the term “transgender:”
- 1970: “Transgendered”
- 1974, “Transgender Research”
- 1974, “Transgender Surgery” = Transsexual Surgery
- 1975: Transgender = Cross-Gender
- 1975: Transgender = Cross-Gender, Alice Cooper
- 1976: “Transgenderous”
- 1978: “Transperson” used in speech, “Shorthand term for transsexuals, transgenderists, and transvestites”
- 1979 & 1985: Christine Jorgensen describes herself as being a transgender woman
- 1982: Transgenders = Transsexuals, Christine Jorgensen
Great interview. I’ll never forget stumbling into his seminar at the 2011 SCC and discovering just who was giving the lecture. I didn’t know his name before, but I knew of his work and the book that was written about the case.
I also sat right in front of Logan Sage Croft, Sadie’s mom. It was a great day.
Please let Dr Diamond know that his hair was endearing and his generosity to interview given his less-than-optimal condition was a blessing for us.
This interview could possibly become important in the archives, and his hair could possibly boost his image into that circle of considered figures as Einstein himself, (if he’s not already there :).
I just listened to this interview with Dr. Milton Diamond and I enjoyed this interview. His openness and his caring for I did enjoy. I am happy that I can listen to this interview for the first time over two years later.Keep up the great work!
My ADD makes interview videos extremely difficult to watch. I’d love to see this interview transcribed so I could read it instead.