We (‘we’ meaning the Tapestry, other TV-TS publications, and TV-TS organizations both non-profit and commercial) are in business to serve our people. ‘Our people’ include members of the TV-TS Community (‘our’ Community) and their families and friends. They include the commercial and professional people who serve our Community and those persons who by way of circumstance are affected by our Community. No one person, no one magazine or organization or commercial or professional project can, or should try to do the job alone.
The ‘over-all scheme of things’ refers to every aspect of the TV-TS Community, family, friends, helping professionals, etc. (what some people would call the ‘paraculture’). What is most important is that every individual person in a responsible leadership position first acknowledge that we must all work together, and second recognize our respective organizations’ and projects’ niche in the over-all scheme of things. Any individual that acknowledges we must work together, and recognizes his or her niche in the over-all scheme of things is an asset. Anyone who does not, is a liability.
The Tapestry exists to serve! It exists to help the various leaders and organizations do a better job serving their respective constituencies. It exists to provide accurate and up-to-date information, education, communications, entertainment, and social opportunities to anyone who wants and needs it. The Tapestry exists to help people.
In order for the Tapestry to be the most effective publication possible we must have accurate and up-to-date information, and interesting, educational, and entertaining material. Although much of our magazine’s information and material come from individual contributors, the primary source is the publications of other organizations. These individuals are not only an asset to the Tapestry, they are an asset to their respective organizations, and to all. By region, these individuals and organizations are:
I love the part that says:
“What is most important is that every individual person in a responsible leadership position first acknowledge that we must all work together, and second recognize our respective organizations’ and projects’ niche in the over-all scheme of things. Any individual that acknowledges we must work together, and recognizes his or her niche in the over-all scheme of things is an asset. Anyone who does not, is a liability.”