GenderNet – The FIRST and ONLY electronic communications network solely for the TV, TS, spouse, provider and business support professional!
GenderNet went “on the air” January 1, 1984 at 6 p.m. (PST) and as of this writing, thirteen days later, 207 calls have been recorded on the network.
Calls have come in from as far away as Massachusetts. Although one individual did signon giving Hawaii as the “called from” location we suspect she was really in the Bay Area.
All you “computer nuts” with a 300 baud modem are more than welcome to call, signon and browse the many sections of the Board to glean as much information from it as you wish. Each call is programmatically limited co 30 minutes to eliminate “time hogs”.
We are in the process of preparing a GenderNet Road Map to help you find what you want and get there quickly. (The Road Maps were in the March GGA mailing. If you have one and it is of no value to you, please pass it on to someone who might get some use out of it.)
Because of limited disk space availability we have not included a Mail Section and as additional disk space becomes available we plan to include the contents of the Resource Directory and possibly the Correspondent’s Directory. These two items will be broken down in areas such as Northeast, Midwest, Southern States, etc and within each area each a separate panel will be designated for each State to facilitate access and decrease time needed on the network.
FOR INFORMATION, CALL: (408) 734-8727
“GenderNet”, (1984), TV-TS Tapestry, p.60., no. 42
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