
1975: Transgender = Cross-Gender

Chicago Tribune, Aug. 23, 1975 Ey has a word for it By Judie Black AS WOMEN HAVE grown freer, the English language has grown more tan­gled: What’s a chairperson and who is a Ms.? But help may be on the way in the form of ey, eir, and em. Those are the winning entries in […]


Old German Trans Terms

So many of our trans terms seem to have originated in the German Sexology movement of the late 1800/early 1900s. Here’s a list of German trans terms I’m currently researching. Cisvestitische, Cisvestiten, Cisvestit Geschlechtsüebergäenge Hermaphroditismus Metaplastische Seelenzwitter Transgestismus, Transgesticismus Transsexualismus, Transsexualistische, Transsexuell Transvestiten, Transvestitismus, Namenstransvestitismus Zwischengeschlecht, Zwischenstufen, Zwischenstufentheorie Zwittertum These terms put a new spin […]
