
1989: Texas T-Party Keynote Address

[box]What follows is a speech given by Wendi Danielle Pierce at the 1989 Texas T-Party held in San Antonio. Pierce was the chairperson of the International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE) Board of Directors, and – at the time of this address – had just undergone SRS with Dr. Biber in Trinidad, Colorado.[/box] Good evening. […]


Transgender Colonization: Evidence-Based Review

[box]”… Virginia Prince, a male crossdresser…  Calling himself “transgender” rather than a “crossdresser” or a “transvestite” was an attempt to remove himself and other similar “transgenders” from the negative cultural baggage and the concurrent approbation that is linked to male crossdressing.” [link] “In either regard, transgender dogma that states that all transsexuals are also transgender, […]


1984: State of Trans Terms

  ‘Transvestite/Transsexual (TV/TS) Community’ includes everyone who identifies with any of the following words: ‘transvestite’, ‘cross-dresser’, ‘transgender’, ‘transsexual’, ‘drag queen’, ‘femiphile’, or ‘androgyne’. It is an identifiable group of people within society as a whole. Because of the great amounts of heartburn some people have with the word ‘transvestite’, there is a movement afoot to […]


1975: Transgender = Cross-Gender

Chicago Tribune, Aug. 23, 1975 Ey has a word for it By Judie Black AS WOMEN HAVE grown freer, the English language has grown more tan­gled: What’s a chairperson and who is a Ms.? But help may be on the way in the form of ey, eir, and em. Those are the winning entries in […]
